My wife and I went to the OB on Tuesday of this week in order have the regular weekly check-up for the upcoming baby. The baby appears to be healthy, but it appears that it also enjoys eating. According to the OB, the baby is weighing in at 6.8 lbs., which is a little heavier than he wanted. Because of this news, it appears that my wife may be induced in about 2 weeks (possibly 3 depending upon the baby's development during next week's visit). With the sudden news that the baby may be coming in 2 weeks, my wife suddenly has become stressed with trying to get all the 'little things' done (such as getting the baby's room put together and buying little things). Some of my wife's friends from work are throwing her a baby shower this weekend and alot of both sides of the family are coming up. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and I'm looking forward to people bestowing gifts on my wife so that my pocketbook can rest for a little while. My father in law is definitely going to relieve my wife's stress by putting together the baby's crib (since God did not provide me that gift).
Next week I have to go to Huntsville in order to do some testing at a client I've had for the past 3 years now. I'm a little apprehensive about traveling with the baby so close, but I'd rather do the work now than directly after the baby arrives. I just hope that my company is able to keep me in town more often once the baby arrives. I've traveled heavily for the past 3 years now. I also have the annual consensus meeting next week where my raise will be determined. I hope that my superiors provide me some positive feedback and I get a decent raise. The combination of the travel situation and the consensus meeting outcome will likely determine how much longer I stay with this company. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Currently listening to:
Destroyer-Destroyer's Rubies
Released 2-21-06
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