When I look back at my life thus far, I can definitely define certain chapters...such as Chp 1-Childhood, Chp 2-Teenage Years/Getting Driving License/Becoming Interested in Girls; Chp 3-College; Chp 4-Dating the Soon to Be Wife; Chp 5: Getting the First Job; Chp 6: Marriage. It appears that Chapter 7 will begin officially tomorrow..entitled Fatherhood. This will likely be the longest Chapter in the book of my life. As most everyone knows, my wife and I have not chosen to discover the sex of the baby. Either way it goes, it will be a blessing. Needless to say, today I am very nervous and apprehensive. Probably not nearly as much as my wife. She has been sleeping less and less because the baby has gotten so large that it keeps her up..making trips to the bathroom every hour. We have been cleaning the house, organizing lots of things (or as my wife says...Nesting), and charging all the batteries for the various cameras, Ipods, etc. Betsy's parents drove up this afternoon to help her take her mind off all the events of tomorrow. We will likely go out to dinner tonight and Betsy will have her last good meal for a few days. It's not like she gets to enjoy the food for very long considering that the doctor has instructed her to take an Enema tonight in order to clear her out. With her stomach messing up like it has lately, it's almost as though she doesn't need the enema. Tomorrow morning we have to be at the hospital at 7:15 a.m. and they plan to induce at 7:30 a.m. I hope and pray that the baby comes quickly and we are not still waiting for it to arrive at 8 p.m. As of right now, we have narrowed the name of the baby down to a few of both sexes. If the baby is a girl, we're thinking of either Jessica Caldwell Allison, Grace Caldwell Allison, or Elizabeth Caldwell Allison. If it is a boy, we've pretty much decided on James Caldwell Allison. I'm sure that you can see the consistency with the middle name of Caldwell. This was my grandfather's last name (on my mother's side). My grandfather had only daughters and I wanted to give this name to the baby in order to carry on the name for future generations.
Well, I'm off to dinner with the folks. Hopefully I will have pics of the new baby when I post next. What a new and exciting Chapter is about to be written. I'm sure my blog posts will be more exciting and humorous with a little child in my life. This chapter is where all the meat of my life story begins.
Currently listening to:T-Rex
The Slider (Remastered 2-disc set)
Released on: 7-16-02
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