Best Comedy:
One of my friends turned me on to watching Entourage this year. I've caught up on the past 2 season while my pregnant wife snores at night. I have to say that this series is top rate. I can't wait til the new season starts up in June. If you follow the entertainment industry, then you'll likely find the show hilarious (that and it will make you wish you could live the life of an actor or musician). Thought Entourage is deserving, I have to reiterate that Scrubs is the funniest thing out there today. With Turk and Carla being pregant this year, my wife and I have had so many laughs. Alot of the writers have recently had children and they have absolutely pegged the experience (from both a male and female perspective) of the 9 months leading up to the child's birth. The winner should be Scrubs, but alas, Will and Grace will likely win just because this is the last year and people feel nostalgic.
Best Drama:
I regularly watch 3 of the 5 nominated drama series (Grey's Anatomy, The Shield, and the Sopranos). I wish the Sci-Fi channel would start over and re-run all the Battlestar Galactica episodes because I've heard nothing but good about this series. The show 'Lost' never really grabbed me and I feel that trying to catch up may take awhile. From the 3 shows that I do watch, I have to pick the Shield. No show this season has made me wait in anticipation from one episode to the next. I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about what the writers are gonna do (Shaun Ryan is great..another Buffy alumni that deserves mucho props). The Vick vs. Kavanaugh verbal battle all season has been top rate. I can't say that I'm dying to see each week's Sopranos. This season has been rather slow (I understand that it's about character development, but I thought they would be attempting to tie up story lines considering that they only have 8 or 9 episodes left after this week's season finale.) Grey's Anatomy was introduced to me by my wife. I've grown to like the show, but it's a soap opera. Everwood is about 100 times the drama that Grey's is..too bad the WB is becoming the CW and Ostroff (the CW head) axed this show in favor of 7th Heaven (or should I say the 7th layer of hell...a fitting abode for Ostroff). If the decision was up to me, I'd pull for the Shield (though it likely won't get nominated and some shit like West Wing will win).
Well, I'll continue my opinion spill later on. I have to go check on the pregnant wife (Wed. can't come too soon for her).
Currently listening to:
Massive Attack
Released on: 4-4-06

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