Web Ditties-4/10/08

- Did Cheney Go Fishing with a Naked Woman? (it's either Photoshopped or someone was having fun...I just don't see what his spokeswoman is saying..LOL) - McClatchy
- $100 cup of coffee...made of fresh cat droppings (suprisingly, with the amount of money people shell out for Starbucks, I doubt too many would balk at this..) -- Dailymail
- Natalie Portman dating Devendra Banhart (yes, actresses are really attracted to hippies..this is proof..or else she's mistaking him for Chewbaca)-- NME
- Opera browser previewed for Google Android (developers are also encouraged to work and modify the code)- Download.com
- HP ships USB sticks with malware (what customer service!!) - CNET
- Amazon feels sorry for those suckers that bought HD-DVD players - CNET
- Australia in the process of installing a 5,500 mile internet connection- CNET
- U2 enter studio and prep reissues for July - Billboard
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