I am attending a technology conference this week and one of the speakers showed a very interesting video showing a study performed by some Princeton Univ. folks. This is very interesting and goes to show that even laptop encryption isn't full proof. Very interesting. I wonder why this hasn't gotten more press from the tech community??
Source: http://citp.princeton.edu/memory/
Abstract Contrary to popular assumption, DRAMs used in most modern computers retain their contents for seconds to minutes after power is lost, even at operating temperatures and even if removed from a motherboard. Although DRAMs become less reliable when they are not refreshed, they are not immediately erased, and their contents persist sufficiently for malicious (or forensic) acquisition of usable full-system memory images. We show that this phenomenon limits the ability of an operating system to protect cryptographic key material from an attacker with physical access. We use cold reboots to mount attacks on popular disk encryption systems — BitLocker, FileVault, dm-crypt, and TrueCrypt — using no special devices or materials. We experimentally characterize the extent and predictability of memory remanence and report that remanence times can be increased dramatically with simple techniques. We offer new algorithms for finding cryptographic keys in memory images and for correcting errors caused by bit decay. Though we discuss several strategies for partially mitigating these risks, we know of no simple remedy that would eliminate them.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Web Ditties-4/30/08
- Blockbuster going the retail path (so after bidding on a dying Circuit City without having the money, they are going outside of their boundaries..interesting)- CNET
- Apple going after low priced overseas iPod sales-Digital Music News
- Wal-Mart forcing record companies to drop CD prices ($5 CD's...makes you wish Wal-Mart had pushed their influence a few years ago..)- Digital Music News
- SEC goes after Google Board member (and ex Pixar CFO) for backdating-Digital Music News
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Web Ditties-4/24/08
- Guillermo del Toro to direct 'The Hobbit' and sequel (so they did decide to break the Hobbit into two parts...it's called maximizing your profits..good ole' New Line..relying on these movies and the endless line Scary Movie sequels)- Yahoo!
- Apple's Latest Chip Gamble- CNET
- Late Night with Jimmy Fallon (sounds like it's a done deal to replace Conan..to be announced on May 11) - Fox News
- New Dark Knight Poster released (see below):

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
New GI Joe Movie Pics
Though this doesn't come out to Summer 2009, pics are already starting to leak out on the net. I have to say that the only cool looking character is Snake Eyes. I sure hope this turns out good.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Web Ditties-4/22/08
- Hot Wheels Celebrates 40th Anniversary-CNET
- Masturbation may prevent Prostate Cancer (so what do the Catholics and Baptists think about it now??)- Yahoo!
- Are Van Damme and Lundgren Planning a Universal Soldier Sequel (this is the funniest news of the day..yes, money must be tight) - Ain't It Cool
- Family Guy creators sue 20th Century Fox- Hollywood Reporter
- David Chase Doesn't have interest in doing future TV shows (like a college coach going to the NFL...they don't last long before scurrying back to TV) - Hollywood Reporter
- Jimmy Fallon Still the Favorite to Replace Conan- Variety
- Volvo working on 'the uncrashable car' - CNET
- Mysterious red lights appear over Phoenix sky (someone's searching for Britney) - KTLA
Monday, April 21, 2008
2008 Best Albums..Thus Far
I finally got around to pulling a list of albums that have stood out thus far in 2008. Whether all of these will make the year end list is yet to be seen.
- Vampire Weekend-Vampire Weekend
- Elbow-The Seldom Seen Kid
- Star Spangles-Dirty Bomb (yes, this was released in 2007, but they were dropped from their label and didn't have any kind of PR push)
- Los Campesinos-Hold on Now Youngster
- Robyn-Robyn
- Gutter Twins-Saturnalia
- Black Mountain-In the Future
- Teenage Prayers-Everyone Thinks You're the Best
- Drive By Truckers-Brighter Than Creation's Dark
- Gnarls Barkley-The Odd Couple
- Black Keys-Attack and Release
- The Long Blondes-Couples
- Jason Falkner-I'm OK You're OK (Yes, another 2007 release, but it has yet to be released in the US..still only an expensive Japanese release)
- Gary Louris-Vagabonds
- Jason Collett-Here's to Being Here
- Supergrass-Diamond Hoo Ha Man
- Kills-Midnight Boom
- Charlatans-You Cross My Path
- Raconteurs-Consolers of the Lonely
- Neon Neon-Stainless Style
- Nada Surf-Lucky
- School of Language-Sea From Shore
- Goldfrapp-Seventh Tree
- Hot Chip-Made in the Dark
- REM-Accelerate
Saturday, April 12, 2008
New Heath Ledger Joker Pics Released
I have to say that I'm really looking forward to the 'Dark Knight' this summer. This and the new Indiana Jones are likely gonna be the highlights of the summer movie season. Some new pics of Heath Ledger as the Joker have been showing up on the web the past 2 or 3 weeks, but naturally, Warner Bros. has been removing them very quickly. I assume that Warner Bros. gave in and just went with the flow considering they were released to an Australian newspaper. According to interviews with Michael Cane, he stated that "Jack (Nicholson) was like a really scary old, nasty uncle with a funny face,'' Caine said. ``Heath's like the most murderous psychopath you've ever seen on the screen." Rumors are also abound that Heath's performance may be nominated for an Oscar....wouldn't that be crazy.

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Web Ditties-4/10/08

- Did Cheney Go Fishing with a Naked Woman? (it's either Photoshopped or someone was having fun...I just don't see what his spokeswoman is saying..LOL) - McClatchy
- $100 cup of coffee...made of fresh cat droppings (suprisingly, with the amount of money people shell out for Starbucks, I doubt too many would balk at this..) -- Dailymail
- Natalie Portman dating Devendra Banhart (yes, actresses are really attracted to hippies..this is proof..or else she's mistaking him for Chewbaca)-- NME
- Opera browser previewed for Google Android (developers are also encouraged to work and modify the code)- Download.com
- HP ships USB sticks with malware (what customer service!!) - CNET
- Amazon feels sorry for those suckers that bought HD-DVD players - CNET
- Australia in the process of installing a 5,500 mile internet connection- CNET
- U2 enter studio and prep reissues for July - Billboard
Google Android,
Natalie Portman,
Monday, April 07, 2008
Web Ditties-4/7/08
- Amazon Accelerates Its Move to Digital - NY Times
- Europe Takes Step Toward In-Flight Cellphones - NY Times
- Phorm-The All-Seeing Parasite Cookie - NY Times
- Jay-Z and Beyonce Tie the Knot- NME
- Feist and Arcade Fire: Big Winners at Canada's Juno Awards - NME
- Outlook for Scrubs is Bright - E!
- Warning: Google is in Your Driveway - Smoking Gun
- Inaccuracies Abound in Oliver Stone's 'W' - Hollywood Reporter
- Qsonix-Manage Up to 25,000 CD's Around the House- CNet
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Web Ditties-4/3/08
- Selling your vote for Dave Matthews tickets (switching from Clinton to Obama is as easy as free tickets to a has-been hippy's concert. Really, when was Dave last relevant..oh that's right, back when the other Clinton was in office.) - IndyStar
- Jay-Z signs $150 million deal with Live Nation (bet this will help pay for that 'supposed' wedding to Beyonce this weekend..wonder how long it will be before Mrs. Z signs on too??) -- New York Times
- Apple claims to be largest music retailer in US, surpassing Wal-Mart (I wonder if Wal-Mart will change their mind about all those non-explicit albums they require? Is the safety of the kids worth losing that top ranking...hmmm?)- Yahoo!!
- NBC picks up Friday Night Lights and 30 Rock for Fall season- E!
- The Office spin-off up in the air because of lack of premise (hmm..for starters, let's set the show in an office, with employees, and likely an silly, ignorant boss. Alright NBC, pay me my money.) -- E!
- Sci-Fi picks up the Battlestar Galatica spin-off Caprica (Frak Yeah!!)- E!
- James Van Der Beek to guest on How I Met Your Mother (guess Brit started something good. I'm not gonna complain considering this is the best sitcom out there. Please tell me again why this show has been hurting and trash like American Idol is so popular..once again I chalk it up to the stupidity that is 24 million Americans)- E!
- Gough and Millar exit Smallville after 7 seasons (let's hope that season 8 doesn't outright suck now that we also know that Rosenbaum and Kreuk are not gonna be around much either)- Ain't It Cool
30 Rock,
Dave Matthews,
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Web Ditties-4/2/08
What happens when desparation sets in and the money dries up?

Yep, those are the members of New Kids on the Block (mid to late 30's versions). I wonder how difficult it was to convince them to record and tour again..10 bucks says says it was the price of gas and the late child support payments. Question is..are they gonna hop around like monkeys again? -Story at Yahoo!!

Yep, those are the members of New Kids on the Block (mid to late 30's versions). I wonder how difficult it was to convince them to record and tour again..10 bucks says says it was the price of gas and the late child support payments. Question is..are they gonna hop around like monkeys again? -Story at Yahoo!!
- Nickelback lead singer convicted of DUI (MORON!! With the money that these guys have, couldn't these idiots afford to hire limos or call a cab? The guy didn't even have the nerve to show up at court...MORON)- NME
- Scott Weiland out of Velvet Revolver..heads straight back to STP (pretty funny how he pokes fun at the 'illustrious Guitar Hero' (aka, Slash). Actually his suggestion for a replacement makes you scratch your head...) - NME
- Mariah bests the King's record in the US music charts (more proof that America has no musical taste and are outright mindless drones (of course this has been obvious ever since the waste of TV space knows as American Idol was introduced)...remind me again why the hell folks find Idol to be entertaining???)- NME
- The Office spin-off is given a green light- Ain't It Cool
- Dion's Beijing Concert Canceled because of lack of permits (and the world thinks that the air pollution is bad in China..geez, a few of her songs will cause several more countries to drop out of the Olympics..blame the Satan herself)- Variety
- NY Giants unveil design of Super Bowl ring (1.5 carats of diamond covered bling)-Yahoo!!
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