Never in my life have weeks gone by as fast as they have the past 3 weeks. Since the birth of the baby my days have been like a blur. I was very fortunate that my company gave me 2 weeks paternity leave to assist my wife. She is absolutely exhausted from having to nurse the baby every 2-3 hours. He is like clockwork..he'll start to cry either from hunger or from a dirty diaper. I guess I don't blame him. It's been special watching the bond between my wife and the baby. I can easily say that I've never seen my wife love something as much as him. The way that she talks to him and holds him is very special. It's amazing how emotions are brought out with the birth of a child. I'm not one to cry, but I will honestly say that when my wife gave birth and they brought Jamie out, the waterworks started. I will say that all the work, sleepless nights with my wife being uncomfortable, and the current dirty diapers are totally worth it. I also have to say that I have all the respect in the world for my wife after seeing her give birth. The doctors induced her at 8 am on May 31 and she didn't actually give birth until 9:25 pm at night. She pushed for 3 hours straight until the doctors decided to assist with the forceps. I can only look in wonder at my wife and child. This is the ultimate miracle...there's nothing like it.
Currently listening to:
Hot Chip
The Warning
Released on: 6-13-06
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