- My son gave me his stomach bug the day before Christmas and I spent a large part of my holiday break laying in bed attempting to get better. It made me disgusted because I had several days of PTO set aside...only to spend alot of it sick and in bed.
-Christmas was obviously not very exciting. My wife, child, and I went to my parents house on Christmas day. It was fun to watch my son attempt to tear open wrapping paper. I watched the rest of my family eat alot at dinner while I ate a few bites..damn stomach bug.
-During January, I went to Denver for 2 weeks straight to work on a client. As most of you are aware, the weather in Denver around the holidays was extremely bad...lots and lots of snow. The snow was still there when I got there and we experienced lots of fun delays coming and going from the airport. The roads in Denver were horrible. I followed the Memphis way of driving in ice and snow...drive slow like a granny. Guess I followed the proper method of travel considering most of the people in Denver were doing the same thing I was doing.
- When I came home from the 2 consecutive weeks in Denver, I found that my wife was not doing so hot. Apparently she really enjoyed the 3 weeks she spent with my son during the holidays and along with her bitch of a boss, she really wanted to work towards quitting her job. She went off and on for several weeks about whether to stay at work, but ultimately, this led to a big decision in February.
- In February, my wife had dealt with a manager who really doesn't have the skills to be a manager. She was given her position because of her race and gender. She likes to lord her authority over my wife because my wife won't put up with her shit (and stands up for herself). It's really funny...we had an event at her boss' house several weeks after she was brought in to manage the territory. I noticed how fake she really was. She was way too worried about how other think about her that she comes out as overly fake. I told my wife after the event that her boss was a fake, and it's funny how true I was. I find it frustrating that some companies will promote people who are not qualified. This woman does not have the skill to manage people. She doesn't know how to relate with people. She likes use her authority to make other feel bad. She doesn't realize that ultimately it's the people that work for a manager that decide whether a manager gets promoted. Oh well...she will be revealed for the poor manager that she is in the near future..it's only a matter of time.
- As of right now, we're working toward my wife staying at home in mid-May. I truly hope this will make her happy. I have a feeling that it will. Because of these life altering events, I'm likely going to have to make a big decision. Should I stay at my current job or start looking elsewhere. I currently am weighing both options. Ultimately, either the power of the almighty dollar or my happiness at my job will help lead me to make a decision. I hope that my decision takes into consideration both of these options..my father always told me that there's nothing worse than waking up each day hating your job. Happiness will ultimately win out. It's not smart to make a big life decision with money being the deciding factor.
Well, that's a quick synopsis of my life since the holidays. Maybe I will find time and inspiration to write on this blog more often.
Currently listening to:
Sondre Lerche
Phantom Punch
Released: 2-6-07

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