Wednesday, August 31, 2005

What's the deal with the Price of Gas???

It's funny that when you take a don't really take a vacation. I feel just as busy as I usually am. Guess I should leave the house when taking a vacation..oh well, guess you gotta clean sometime. With the increase in gas prices, I'd rather stay at home. It blew me away when I noticed that gas prices rose by 40 cents within 24 hours. I bought gas at $2.49 yesterday afternoon and passed a gas station this afternoon and it was up to $2.89...that's f**'n nuts. It doesn't help when the media analysts say that things are gonna get worse before they get better.

Well, the wife's 10 yr. high school reunion was canceled today in Jackson, MS, because of Hurricane Katrina. Supposedly, over half of Jackson is still without power. Luckily my mother-in-law is staying with us instead of sweating to death. My wife's father is back up in NYC for the week. With the stress of this week, luckily we have the first week of college football season starting this is good.

As a part of this blog, I'm going to start listing some of the new music that I'm digging right now. Hopefully this will help keep some of my friends up to date with the old and new releases they should check out (either buy or download). Here we go:
1. Death Cab for Cutie: Plans (not as good as Transatlanticism, but still good laid back emo stuff. whatever emo is these days)
2. Kanye West: Late Registration (just getting into this. I like this better than College Dropout. Find it interesting that Jon Brion produced the album considering he is more power pop and Kanye is a rapper. Never thought I'd hear Jamie Foxx singing on this..pretty good stuff.).
3. Super Furry Animals-Love Kraft (this is the wildest thing the SFA's have done. It's much better than the last album, but I'm not sure if it's as good as Rings Around the World. This album is the Beach Boys on crack...melodic but all over the place with experimentation).
4. Supergrass-Road to Rouen (this album is so much different than the pop of the last 4 albums. This album is so laid back..almost reminds me of some Pink Floyd stuff. I think alot of Brits are being hard on the group with this album, but I think you gotta change your sound as you grow older. It's not like they're doing this for the money anymore...)

Well, I think I've wrote enough tonight. Keep the people in New Orleans, Mississippi, and Alabama in your prayers. Makes me sick to my stomach when I see all the destruction down there. Things can only get better...I sure hope so.

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