Saturday, November 12, 2005

Hello from overseas...

Yep...I'm back...been awhile. Work and life seems to keep me from posting as often as I like. It's funny when I look at other peoples blogs and notice that they seem to be inconsistent in posting too. I am currently overseas in Amsterdam doing IT work for an international client. I've been here for a week now and have learned that the reason most everyone over here looks in shape is because they either walk or ride bikes all the time. Not many people are very lazy. In order to get to work in the morning, I have to walk to a train station about 15 min. away, then catch a train, and then after a 20-30 min ride, I have to walk another 15-20 minutes. The When you walk you have to watch out for the people on bikes (they actually have separate lanes for people riding bikes). My feet began to kill me after about 3 days because I was wearing my business shoes (which are comfortable, but still are not made to walk distances). After 3 days of pain, I chose to just move to my New Balance shoes. No one seems to care at the company because everyone wears jeans and t-shirts to company could learn a thing or

I've found Amsterdam to be nice because most everyone speaks English in addition to Dutch. I feel some Anti American sentiment, but for the most part, they really just want your money (according to one Dutch guy I've worked with, he said the Dutch started capitalism). Well capitalism appears to be thriving over in the Red Light District. As a regular after dinner activity, me and the guy I'm working with walk the streets of the Red Light District to just see what is on display. The funny thing about the Red Light District is that you never see anyone go in to see the ladies..everyone just walks by and looks. I guess the girls make money...just don't know how often that occurs.

For the music enthusiasts...I want to say that seeing a concert in Europe is different than in the States. I went to see the band Teenage Fanclub on Thurs. night at the Melkweg. The Melkweg is a small venue and with next to no security. I was able to sit at the front of the stage and watch the band. The band was really cool because they interacted with the crowd..joked with them and took requests. I was able to take pics of the show (which I will post when I return to the states) and no one seemed to care. The one funny thing that I saw at the show was the guys working the lights and the sound board. I watched them roll joints before the show even started in order to smoke them during the show while working..only in Amsterdam...haha.

Well, my wife comes over in the morning to check out the city while I'm working this next week. I hope she's able to handle the food...she's a picky eater. I also hope she can handle the really small room this past week was like a closet. After the week is up, we're planning on flying to Rome for 3-4 days. I think the Rome part is going to be the most exciting part of the trip (history and no I'll hopefully update this blog once I return from Rome. I'll say hi to the Pope for everyone.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Music Snob...

Hell, I won't deny it. This post was inspired by the post left by Jon on his blog today. He wrote about how his music tastes have changed over time. I'll talk about how my tastes have changed in a future post, but his post reminded me of how some people have accused me of being a snob when it comes to music. I'll happily admit that I am passionate about music. Guess it's just something that most people in my family don't really understand. They walk in my music room where I keep my cd collection and just make the comment...'Wow, you sure do have alot of do you have time to listen to it all.' I understand their question, but I guess I just have a passion that's followed me since I was in high school. Alot of the music reminds me of events in my past. I can tell you the exact album that was playing when I had my first car accident (Counting Crows-Recovering the Satellites), the album that was on when my grandfather died (Blur-Park Life), the album my wife pretended to like when we were dating (Radiohead-The Bends), and the album that took me through late high school (Oasis-What the Story Morning Glory). Guess alot of the albums have some form of sentimental value in my mind.

Some people have things they enjoy purchasing from week to week. For example, I know alot of people who enjoy buying several cases of beer, bottles of wine , cartons of cigarettes, or things for their cars. I like sue me (that's not an open invitation to the obsessive compulsive RIAA...I buy freaking music..come look in my room and see what my family complains about). I understand that this is a hobby that I will likely have to severely limit when I have children..but why should I have to deny myself something I actually enjoy. I work my ass off at work during the week...can I not actually enjoy one or two new albums here and there?

So I guess I didn't really hit on the title of my blog. Guess I should rename it to read 'Leave me the freak alone..' or 'Yes, I have a hobby like everyone else..except I have something to show for it...Take that you freaking alcoholics or smokers.' And also, my hobby won't lead me on the path of a slow death.

Guess I let my feelings be told after years of dealing with people bugging me about my obsession for music. Get on with your lives and focus on your problems..let me have my fun while I still can.

I'll try to stay on track next time. For now..have a good night all you addicts.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Oh the places they will send you...

Well, it's been a week since my last update. My 'wonderful' job (hint sarcasm) has been throwing changes at me at the most inopportune times. I was informed while on PTO a week back that I would likely be in town this week, but then I was assigned to a random insurance client in Florida. The manager on this client first told me that I would be in Tampa for a week, but then changed his mind on Thurs. of last week and said that I was going to Orlando. I tell ya, trying to book a flight from Memphis to Orlando at the last minute is near impossible. I booked a flight but got to the airport to check-in and the kiosk said that I was on the waiting list for seats because the flight had been over-booked (aka, the airline has got your money, but can't guarantee you that it can get you to where you're going when you need to be there..buncha of wonder Northwest and Delta are going bankrupt...(hint of sarcasm)). Well, luckily I was assigned a seat after everyone had already boarded and I sat in a tiny space for 2 hours. Not my happiest experience.

Oh well, enough of my complaining. I am in Orlando for a week. I haven't been to Orlando since probably 1989 (wow, 16 yrs). Needless to say, this place has changed so much. The client is right across the road from Universal Studios. The city is not what I remember when I was brought down here to disney as a middle schooler. There is so much money that has been thrown around. Disney and Universal is one big theme park along I-4 with a lot of malls and hotels to fill in the spaces (and to take your money). It's one big money pit. Guess the idea of spending an entire week at Disney just isn't up there on my Big list of things to do. All I see is a big mouse jumping into a vault of dollars while I'm staring at an empty wallet.

Well, I think I've said my peace tonight. Maybe I need to get some sleep.

Also, here is an update of the current albums that are worth listening to:
1. Sigur Ros-Takk
2. Bloc Party-Silent Alarm (Remixed)
3. Richard Hawley-Cole's Corner

Time to sleep in this empty hotel room.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Just what I expected....

First off, I don't know what the heck is in the air, but my allergies are killing me today. They started acting up this weekend, and haven't given up. I barely slept last night while my nose twitched and dripped. I wish this Allegra D would kick in and help out.

To my topic of conversation. Guess it shouldn't surprise me that alot of the networks and print media are jumping on this Hurricane Katrina bandwagon trying to blame one political party for the less than quick response in New Orleans and Mississippi. From what I've seen, the blame can be spread around. Instead of whining and complaining..shouldn't all these pompous asses just get to work instead trying to find fault. I read a good article today about all this political complaining. Check out I find it funny that the New Orleans mayor ordered a "mandatory" evacuation a day late, but kept the city's 2,000 school buses parked and locked in neat rows when there was still time to take the refugees to higher ground. The bright-yellow buses sit ruined now in four feet of dirty water. I also want to vomit when I hear Jesse Jackson and Kanye West say that all this is a racial issue. If this is such a racial issue, then why are a majority of the volunteers in New Orleans white people??? Give me a break..go on about your business of having illegitimate children with a variety of women and shut your freaking pie-holes. It's also funny how everyone wants to point fingers at one another and act like they could have done better. It's funny when someone asks one of these complainers what they would have done differently..and the person just sits there with a blank look while quick to little education to come up with a better typical.

Well, I'm getting off my soapbox. I gotta go get to feeling now!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Oh My Aching Tooth...

Well today was not very fun considering that I had to go to the dentist on my day off from work. I only went with the expectation that I'd have my teeth cleaned, but of course nothing goes as planned. They checked my teeth and found a cavity. I had a choice to either wait awhile or get it filled today. With my travel schedule, I went ahead and did it. It's been several years since I've had dental work done and forgot how I hated it. They had to numb my gums and give me shots. To be honest, I didn't do so well considering they hit a blood vessel (which hurt like hell). I went into a cold sweat and would have passed out if I was standing up. Thankfully, they got it done. The only painful thing left is to see the, I hope my insurance steps up to the plate.

Guess I should be sarcastic and thank Hurricane Katrina for causing Memphis to run out of gasoline. I went into town and noticed that about 3 or 4 of the gas stations I drove by were completely out of gas. It also didn't help that they continued to bring the price up. I saw gas for $3.25/gallon at alot of places...up another 35 cents in another day.

Guess I can't complain too much...I'll just have to stick around the house and veg out this weekend with the wife. Went to rent a few movies tonight...picked up Sin City, which I've heard alot about. Hope it's as good as the critics say.

I'll stop complaining. Life isn't that bad considering the hell that is taking place in New Orleans. I feel really sorry for the people who are in need of food and water..but do they really need to act like savages? And please, stop all the looting of things like TV's and non-food items. I'm not one to speak because I can't imagine what people are going through, but let's try to be somewhat civil.

Well, I'm exhausted...gonna go finish this Titans preseason game. Did I mention..thank goodness football is back...Go Vols this weekends. Oh, and maybe Ole Miss won't embarass themselves on Monday.

This is ground control to major tom...

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

What's the deal with the Price of Gas???

It's funny that when you take a don't really take a vacation. I feel just as busy as I usually am. Guess I should leave the house when taking a vacation..oh well, guess you gotta clean sometime. With the increase in gas prices, I'd rather stay at home. It blew me away when I noticed that gas prices rose by 40 cents within 24 hours. I bought gas at $2.49 yesterday afternoon and passed a gas station this afternoon and it was up to $2.89...that's f**'n nuts. It doesn't help when the media analysts say that things are gonna get worse before they get better.

Well, the wife's 10 yr. high school reunion was canceled today in Jackson, MS, because of Hurricane Katrina. Supposedly, over half of Jackson is still without power. Luckily my mother-in-law is staying with us instead of sweating to death. My wife's father is back up in NYC for the week. With the stress of this week, luckily we have the first week of college football season starting this is good.

As a part of this blog, I'm going to start listing some of the new music that I'm digging right now. Hopefully this will help keep some of my friends up to date with the old and new releases they should check out (either buy or download). Here we go:
1. Death Cab for Cutie: Plans (not as good as Transatlanticism, but still good laid back emo stuff. whatever emo is these days)
2. Kanye West: Late Registration (just getting into this. I like this better than College Dropout. Find it interesting that Jon Brion produced the album considering he is more power pop and Kanye is a rapper. Never thought I'd hear Jamie Foxx singing on this..pretty good stuff.).
3. Super Furry Animals-Love Kraft (this is the wildest thing the SFA's have done. It's much better than the last album, but I'm not sure if it's as good as Rings Around the World. This album is the Beach Boys on crack...melodic but all over the place with experimentation).
4. Supergrass-Road to Rouen (this album is so much different than the pop of the last 4 albums. This album is so laid back..almost reminds me of some Pink Floyd stuff. I think alot of Brits are being hard on the group with this album, but I think you gotta change your sound as you grow older. It's not like they're doing this for the money anymore...)

Well, I think I've wrote enough tonight. Keep the people in New Orleans, Mississippi, and Alabama in your prayers. Makes me sick to my stomach when I see all the destruction down there. Things can only get better...I sure hope so.

Monday, August 29, 2005

It's terrible when you plan to start something and then life just keeps delaying you. I tried to start this blog about a week ago, but this stupid website gave an error telling me that I couldn't save it. So I guess this blog should start...'It was a dark, stormy night.' I'm sitting inside listening to the storms brought by Hurricane Katrina which hit the gulf today. My wife and I had to pick up her mother in Memphis because of the bad weather in Jackson, MS. Her father's flight was canceled in Jackson, MS, and he had to fly out of Memphis to reach NYC. It's a good thing that her mom got up here because it wouldn't be good for her to be stuck in Jackson, MS, all by herself. I hope this weather passes over because we have to go back to Jackson, MS, this weekend to attend the wife's 10th high school, time flies once high school is over. My parents always told me that time flies once you start to work...they weren't lying.

Well I guess I should give an introduction of myself considering I just started this blog. The name is Bryan..aka B-Diddy. Currently going into my 3rd year working for a big 4 accounting firm doing IT systems auditing....or the dreaded hell known as Sarbanes Oxley 404 (SOX 404). Can't really complain considering the work allows me to travel all over the country (and world) and I get to meet lotsa new people. Oh well..enough about work...I deal with that 60 hrs. a week or more.

Thought I'd end today's blog with a word of encouragement to a friend from college. I found out today that her life has been really difficult over the past year and a half. Life's not fair, but even when that happens, there is definitely a silver lining. Faith in God is an awesome may hide from you at times, but it will be there waiting when you most need it. It hid from my friend for a time, but came back and pulled her right back in. I wish this friend all the best. The light will continue to shine for you.

Well, the storm is still raging outside..